Join New Yorkers for Equal Rights!
Thank you for your interest in joining the New Yorkers for Equal Rights coalition! We are thrilled that you are interested in joining us to pass the New York Equal Rights Amendment this November.

This form is for organizations who wish to publicly list their support for New Yorkers for Equal Rights and get involved in our campaign. 

Please complete this form to affirm your participation as a coalition partner and help us get a better sense of your capacity around the state.
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Your Name *
Your Email *
This email will be added to our coalition listserv. This is a private list owned by the campaign and will not be shared publicly.
Organization Name *
We will publicly list your organization name on our website the way it is written here.
Your Role at Organization *
Organization Website *
Organization Social Media Platforms *
Please note your handle(s) on Instagram, X, TikTock, Facebook and any other platforms.
Brief Organization Description *
Tell us a little bit about who your organization is and what you do. 
Organizational Reach Across New York State *
Where do the people your organization engages primarily live? Please check all that apply.
Tell us about the people you engage. Who is your "base"? 
What's the size of your list, constituency or membership in New York State?
How do you primarily engage New Yorkers - either people who you serve, or people who you are trying to engage - across the state?
Please check all that apply
How would you like to help New Yorkers for Equal Rights?
Please check all that apply.
Is there anything else about your organizational capacity or interest in the campaign that you would like to share with us?
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