Unlocking Innovation: Smart DoorBox Features Survey
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Name  *
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Price Plan 
1.We'd love to hear your feedback on our subscription plans. How do you feel about the Bronze, Coupon Based, Silver, and Gold plans?
2.Which of the four plans (Bronze, Coupon Based, Silver, Gold) aligns most closely with your needs and preferences?
3.Among the main features of our DoorBox, which ones do you find most attractive and beneficial?
4.Is the refundable security deposit amount comfortable for you? Please share your thoughts.
5.Are you comfortable with the $99 fee for shipping, handling, and restocking for returns within 12 months? How do you feel about this approach to minimize shipping costs?
6.On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate the aspects of our DoorBox offerings that you liked? 
7.We value your input! Are there any additional features you would recommend for DoorBox, or do you have any other suggestions or feedback for us?
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