Thank you for your interest in the Goddess Supermarket Tour!
I get it…for many, visiting a large supermarket can be an incredibly overwhelming experience. Around every corner, there are thousands of products perfectly packaged to lure you in, despite your healthiest intentions. Thing is…just because a product made it onto the shelf doesn’t mean it’s necessarily good for you - health food stores are amongst the most tricky! 🤦🏽♀️
By signing up for The Goddess Supermarket Tour I will teach you some of my favorite tips and tricks for navigating each section of the supermarket. My goal is to help you approach your supermarket with a newfound confidence that will improve your shopping experience and, ultimately, your health.
Let me help you to become a food detective and to really investigate what your store has to offer; always checking out the ingredients in the products you’re buying for your family.
Please complete the registration form below and allow three (3) business days for review and selection of meeting dates/times.
The Goddess Supermarket Tour Includes:
🍎A one-hour tour of your favorite supermarket or farmer's market
🍋Learn how to read labels
🥒Which food aisles are the healthiest for you and your family
🍑The pitfalls of buying "healthy" foods
🍇Cracking the marketing code of food packaging
🍐A list of the Dirty Dozen and Clean 15 fruits and veggies
🌸The importance of shopping seasonally and locally
🌶A list of 'must have" items for your pantry and those items to remove
*You will be subscribed to my newsletter and may unsubscribe at any time.
I look forward to serving you!
Wendi Cherry
The Goddess Awakening & Healing Sanctuary, LLC
☎️: 703.798.1137