Registration Form: 1st Mansmith Sales Masters Awards

Register for the 1st Mansmith Sales Masters Awards happening on August 2, 2024 from 6:00PM to 8:00PM at Carlos P. Auditorium, RCBC Plaza!

Participate in the lottery system and secure your spot at this prestigious event, with a maximum of two participants per company and no registration fees. Register on or before July 19, 2024.

Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity!


The Mansmith Sales Masters Awards (MSMA) seeks to recognize sales professionals who have shown sustained exceptional performance in achieving peak sales and revenue targets, or who have shown creative and innovative ways of securing challenging sales deals or turning around declining sales.  

What this award seeks to celebrate:
1.    Inspiration and Aspiration :   Stories of success and overcoming challenges serve to encourage others to aim high, to pursue stretch goals  and  to seek to belong to a group of elite industry achievers.
2.    Positive Economic Impact : Sales professionals drive revenue generation, job creation, and business expansion that leads to shared economic prosperity and development of self, company and country.
3.    Integrity and Ethical Conduct : Doing business with integrity promotes a culture committed to honesty, transparency and responsibility which becomes the standard of excellence that takes into account sustainable futures.
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