GCED in the Classroom
Global Citizenship Education (GCED) from UNESCO's perspective is an educational approach that nurtures respect and solidarity in learners in order to build a sense of belonging to the common humanity, and helps people become responsible and active global citizens in building inclusive and peaceful societies.

Please take a few minutes to fill in this survey and help UNESCO to collect GCED good practices/activities that are conducted in the classrooms.

*This survey was developed by UNESCO (www.unesco.org) in collaboration with APCEIU (http://www.unescoapceiu.org/en/).

Thank you for your time!
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1. Name *
2. Country *
3. Please describe a GCED teaching and learning activity/practice. If possible, please give a step by step process of how this activity/practice is carried out by a teacher/facilitator, etc.. *
4. What type of activity is this? *
5. What school subjects/classes could this activity/practice be used in? *
6. What level of education can it be used with?   *
7. What GCED concepts and/or competencies does it aim to highlight? Please describe. *
8. What are the learning outcomes? Please describe *
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