Finesse My Life Assessment
Often times we think that our lives are stagnant or even devastated and we don't know where to start to get them Finessed! If you have had a significant #setback in your #life (ie #divorce, loss of a loved one, #layoff, mental anguish) or want to set some SMART #goals and achieve them with accountability and guidance... you need #FinesseMyLife!

What is your level of #emotionalintelligence? What #barriers are in the way? What #resources do you need to meet your milestones? Where do you want to be in the next five years? 

If you need help answering any of these questions and developing a life strategy - we can help you become #drippininfinesse! Please complete in this assessment to the best of your ability and we will do the rest!
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Email *
Name *
Phone Number *
Age *
Gender *
With "Finessed" being the best and "Failing" being the worst, how would you rank the following areas of your life? If unapplicable, rank "Finessed". *
Relational (Friends)
Relational (Significant Other)
Relational (Children)
Relational (Family)
Relational (Parents)
Personal (Physical Health)
Personal (Emotional Health)
Personal (Spiritual Health)
Personal (Time Management)
Personal (Mental Health)
Personal (Occupational)
Personal (Self Care)
Personal (Home Life)
Personal (Financial Health)
Personal (Recreational)
PRIORITY NUMBER ONE - Of the areas ranked "Failing", "Fine" and "Fair"; prioritize them in order of importance! *
PRIORITY NUMBER TWO - Of the areas ranked "Failing", "Fine" and "Fair"; prioritize them in order of importance! *
PRIORITY NUMBER THREE - Of the areas ranked "Failing", "Fine" and "Fair"; prioritize them in order of importance! *
What is the biggest challenge you are facing right now? *
If you can imagine a successful life, what would it include? *
Why is now the best time to focus on you? *
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