NPSI Feedback
Thank you for reviewing the National Plant Systems Initiative, a document developed by the Plant Science Research Network. The PSRN aims to achieve consensus and support from each member; your organization’s feedback is critical, questions or concerns will be considered by the PSRN writing team before the document is broadly distributed.

The PSRN will be planning a Plant Summit to identify priority funding areas and a strategy to execute the scientific research areas outlined in the NPSI, with the ultimate goal of identifying a path forward. In early 2018 we will be in touch with information on how your organization can participate.

Looking forward, a third Plant Science Summit that will be organized by the PSRN in late 2018 or early 2019. During this summit, participants reflecting the breadth of the plant science community represented among PSRN member organizations will use the NPSI as a basis from which to develop the successor document to the 2013 report: Unleashing a Decade of Innovation in Plant Science – A Vision for 2015-2025 ( With the input and support of your organization, the successor document will significantly broaden and deepen the reach of the original Decadal Vision by detailing the steps we’ll need to take in order to achieve the plant science community’s vision for research priorities areas; identifying the ways in which we will need to reimagine and revamp postgraduate training to accomplish those goals; and describing the cyberinfrastructure that will be needed to underpin these efforts.  

On behalf of the PSRN leadership

David Stern (PI), Crispin Taylor (co-PI), Vanessa Greenlee (Broadening Participation Coordinator), Natalie Henkhaus (Executive Coordinator)

Questions about this feedback form can be directed to Natalie at; feedback received by December 8 will be most helpful, thank you.
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NPSI Priorities Areas
Which of the following NPSI priorities areas represent the interests of your community? *
Choose one or many.
Are there other priorities not listed above that you think would be broadly applicable to the plant science community?
How would you use the NPSI? *
Additional Comments
We would also like to hear your thoughts regarding sections that may under- or overdeveloped. Additionally if there was something specific you liked in the report, please let us know. If there are specific examples or images that you think would work better in the report, please share those suggestions as well.
Your name
Please indicate which organization you are affiliated: *
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