518 Valencia Rental Information Form
The Kendra Alexander Foundation (KAF) will rent space in the Eric Quezada Center to any group that it deems to be compatible with KAF's declared statement of purpose:

The overall aim of this Foundation is to provide opportunities for new and veteran activists for social change to educate, develop and train themselves and thereby to enable them to better organize and educate others to support equal rights; an end to racism, sexism, homophobia and discrimination based on age; national and international economic, social and environmental justice; and a peaceful world free of imperialism.

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Event Title *
Your name *
Email address *
Phone number *
Address *
Prefered Rental Date/s *
Please include date/s and time/s
Purpose? *
Brief description of the event *
Please let us know your program idea and technical needs. Do you want to bring in outside food or drink?  Is your event private or public? Is there anything else we should know?
Do you plan on serving or selling alcoholic beverages at the event? *
If yes, renter must comply with 518 Valencia Alcohol policy
Questions or comments
If yes, please describe below
How did you find out about 518 Valencia Rentals?
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