Site Tour: Crossroads Learning Center
Thursday July 11, 2024   1:45 PM - 3:45 PM
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1.  As a result of this session, I understand the information/concepts presented:
5. Excellent
4. Good
3. Average
2. Fair
1. Poor
Choose one
2.  The presenter demonstrated strong knowledge of the content presented:
5. Excellent
4. Good
3. Average
2. Fair
1. Poor
Choose one
3. The presenter created a culture of learning that demonstrated respect and rapport with participants:
5. Excellent
4. Good
3. Average
2. Fair
1. Poor
Choose one
4.   The training was coherent, well-structured and appropriately paced:
5. Excellent
4. Good
3. Average
2. Fair
1. Poor
Choose one
5.  During the session, I was engaged in discussions and learning activities:
3. To a great extent
2. Some
1. Not at all
Choose one
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