Laprasking Survey
This is a short survey just to gather feedback and opinions in regards to how you are finding the Patreon gallery and any ways I can possibly improve upon anything
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How Old Are You?
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What gender do you identify as?
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What content do you come to the Patreon for?
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Which fetishes do you enjoy the most from my work, or are the reason you donate every month (Tick All That Apply)
And are there any fetishes you would wish to see less of (Tick All That Apply)
Are you interested in seeing more from any of these less covered feitshes? Tick all that apply
How would you rate your time as a Patreon Donator?
Needs to be better
Value for Month
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If you picked 5 or below, how come?
How would you rate the Daily Updates
Could be better
Look forward to them every day
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If 5 or below, what can I do to improve daily updates?
Are there any other Patreon galleries you do follow that have a set up and/or feature that you wish my gallery had? If yes, type the name of the gallery and what they do you wish I did. If not, simply type no. *
Would you be interested in a store that sells my artwork on items such as t-shirts, posters, Oppai Mousepads, Body Pillows etc.
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Many of you might of been introduced to my long running comic "The Cleanser". As I've yet to do another comic of that size, would you be interested in me returning to creating long running comics, keeping in mind that daily updates might then have to be progress updates for quite some time
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As you know, I focus a lot on Pokemon related content. Are there any anime, cartoon, videogame or other franchises you'd love to see me cover? Write your answer below or put No if you do not.
In particular, a lot of franchises I cover are long running or older. Are there more new anime/videogames (Past 5 years we'll say) you would like me to explore by watching the show/game and maybe do art/fanfiction for?
I often refer to you awesome guys as the "Donators". Would you prefer a nickname like a name for my fans/donators?
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Now here's a fun one. If yes, do you have a suggestion for a name for Donators? If I see a really good one, I might go with it. ;)
What do you like most about my Patreon gallery? Why do you donate every month over other Patreon galleries? Tick all that apply
Is there anything frustrating about my Patreon or something you'd like to see improved?
Is there anything about the Patreon you don't want to change?
One more question and then you can go buy ice cream, is there anything more you would like me to know, any further feedback or suggestions, or just anything you would like to tell me?
Okay REAL final question this time (Don't worry, the ice cream isn't melting. XD). Would you like for me to share the results of this survey (i.e people mostly selected this option, etc.) in a future News About The Gallery post? *
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