03   Hotel Ease Access ‧ Tsuen Wan  旭逸雅捷酒店 ‧ 荃灣
Long Stay 長期住宿優惠
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感謝 閣下對  旭逸雅捷酒店 ‧ 荃灣   的查詢。
我們提供靈活 長期住宿優惠  住宿計劃。 請填妥以下表格, 我們將會與 閣下聯絡。
* 表示必填問題

Thank you for your interest for staying at  Hotel Ease ‧ Tsuen Wan. We offer long stay residential packages in Hong Kong with flexible leasing rates. Please fill in the form below and we will contact you directly.
Accessing all you need for your Hong Kong stay just got a whole lot easier.

Hotel Ease Access ‧ Tsuen Wan is easy to get to, and easy to enjoy. And getting to all the fun places you want to go to in Hong Kong is easy from where we are too.

座落在葵涌中心地段,徒步至港鐵站只需數分鐘 旭逸雅捷酒店 ‧ 荃灣 位置優越,讓您輕鬆抵達。從酒店前往香港各大熱門景點同樣方便快捷。
Hotel Ease Access ‧ Tsuen Wan  旭逸雅捷酒店 ‧ 荃灣
Guest Name 客人姓名
Phone Number 聯絡電話
Email Address 電郵地址
Enquire for Stay Period (Check-in date) 查詢的住宿日期 (入住日期)
Enquire for Stay Period (Check-out date) 查詢的住宿日期 (退房日期)
Purpose of Stay 住宿目的
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We are a member of the Tang's Living Group. Your personal information is so important to us and we have taken all measures to protect your personal
information. Please refer to our privacy statement https://bit.ly/4cdz8W2 and terms and conditions in our website for details https://bit.ly/4ciLsV9. 

我們是Tang’s Living Group成員之一。我們非常重視 閣下的個人資料並致力維護及保障用戶資料,如需進一步了解,請參閱我們的私隱政策https://bit.ly/4cdz8W2  及優惠條款及細則 https://bit.ly/4ciLsV9。
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