Social Media Management Enquiry Form

Thank you for reaching out and choosing to work with me. I am a certified social media manager specialising with Instagram and Facebook.

Please answer all the questions in as much detail as possible so I can gain a thorough understanding of your business needs.

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Name *
Email *

What is your business name, and your website link (if you have one)?

What is your Instagram handle for your business?
Tell me more about your business. Who do you help? How do you help? What are your current products/services? How long have you been in business?

What is the main goal that you’d like to achieve with your social media for your business?

What are your overall goals for your social media?
What type of social media management would you prefer?
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Where did you find me?

If word of mouth, let me know who so I can thank them.

What happens next?

Thank you for filling in the form, I will be in touch within 2 business days.

If you have any questions feel free to reach out on Instagram (@blueraspberrybox) or email at

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