Feedback Form 
We value your participation in the One AI Academy and are committed to continually improving this resource. Your honest feedback is crucial in helping us enhance the quality and effectiveness of our programs. Please take a few moments to complete this feedback form.

Please provide thoughtful and detailed responses to the questions below. Your feedback will remain confidential and will be used solely for the purpose of improving our educational offerings.
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About the content
How relevant was the content to your current job or personal goals?
Did the course meet its stated learning objectives? Please provide examples.
Was pitched at the right level for me
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
Clear selection
Was the content structured and paced appropriately for your learning needs?
Was well written, contemporary and logically structured
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
Clear selection
Were you able to apply the knowledge and skills gained from the content in real-world scenarios? If so, how?
Are there any additional materials (handouts, readings, online resources, activities) needed to supplement this content?
About the instructors
How would you rate the instructor's effectiveness in delivering the material?
Maintained interest throughout the program?
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
Clear selection
The instructors were easy to follow and understand
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
Clear selection
About the future 
What suggestions do you have for improving this content for the future?
Any additional comments or suggestions?
Thank you for taking the time to complete this form!
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