UDL Self-Assessment
The following questionnaire is an “assessment FOR and AS learning” tool. You can use it as a formative assessment tool to help you determine your entry point into Dive Into UDL. You can also use it as a reflexive tool to explore your growing understanding of UDL and its application to your teaching practice. Select the best answer from the series. When you are finished you will get a tally from 1-15. You can use the tally to determine how “deep a dive” you’ll take into UDL. Use the number as a guide and feel free to follow your own interests and needs.
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1. UDL stands for:
1 point
Clear selection
2. UDL is:
1 point
Clear selection
3. The three brain networks are:
1 point
Clear selection
4. The three principles of UDL are:
1 point
Clear selection
5. The term “learner variability” is defined as:
1 point
Clear selection
6. According to UDL, disability is:
1 point
Clear selection
7. The overarching/ultimate goal of the principle engagement is to ensure learners:
1 point
Clear selection
8. Which one is not one of the UDL assumptions and beliefs?
1 point
Clear selection
9. According to UDL, when it comes to instructional goals it is most important to:
1 point
Clear selection
10. The UDL guidelines are intended to be used as a:
1 point
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11. The ultimate goal of UDL is to create:
1 point
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12. UDL asks us to ensure that assessment is:
1 point
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13. Ultimately, “Voice and Choice” means students:
1 point
Clear selection
14. Why is self-regulation an important goal in UDL?
1 point
Clear selection
15. Students understanding of and development of their internal thought processes are key to full UDL implementation. These thought processes include:
1 point
Clear selection
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