Registration form of 2019 Japan/Taiwan/Korea                             Chemical Engineering Conference                                                     2019 JTK Conference                                                  November 13-15, 2019                              Housensou, Beppu, JAPAN                                                                          
Deadline for abstract submission: September 6rh, 2019
Deadline for registration for a presentation: September 6rh, 2019
Deadline for registration for participation: October 18th, 2019
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Registration for participation (Deadline: October 18th 2019)
First name *
Family name *
Your title *
Organization/Institution *
Location of the Organization/Institution *
Your E-mail address *
Are you planning to participate the official city tour at Oita Petrochemical Complex etc (Nov. 15).
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Registration for a presentation (Deadline: September 6th 2019)
Download a template of abstract and e-mail your abstract via e-mail to by September 6th.
You don't have to fill in the following forms, if you will not give a presentation.
Title of your presentation
Oral or Poster
List of authors                                       (Example; Yu Hoshino, Jun Fukai)
First name of corresponding author
Last name of corresponding author
E-mail address of corresponding author
Your research field
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