Geauga County Maple Festival Sponsorship
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Business Name *
Address *
Mailing Address (if different)
City *
State *
Zip *
Phone *
Contact Person *
Contact Phone *
Contact Email *
Event to Sponsor *
Sponsorship Fee Total *
Please Read Carefully:
• Payment is due after speaking with sponsorship coordinator and we can accept payments online / over the phone
• A limited number of business sponsors in any category will be accepted into the festival. Decisions are based on, but not limited to, history, level of investment, payment and date of paperwork received

• The Geauga County Maple Festival is a rain or shine event. There are no refunds due to inclement weather

• Make Checks payable to Geauga County Maple Festival and mail to:
PO Box 124 Chardon, OH 44024
I have read the application and agree to comply with the conditions set forth *
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