頌親恩活動家長意見調查 Opinions for  Praising Parents' events 2020-2021
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你的子女就讀班別?Which class is your child studying this year? *
你知道你的子女有參與以下哪幾活動表達他們對父母的愛? Which following events your child have participated in Praising Parents' events this year?   *
你對你的子女於本年度頌親恩活動表現評分如何? (1為極不滿意; 5為最滿意) Please rate your child's performance in Praising Parents' events this year.( 1-> the most unsatisfied, 5-> the most satisfied) *
你對本年度頌親恩活動有沒有任何意見? Do you have any opinions for Praising Parents' events this year?
對於未來再籌辦頌親恩活動,你有沒有任何建議? Any suggestions for running Praising Parents' events in the future?
謝謝你們寶貴的回饋。Thank you very much for your reply.
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