Grant Final Report
                                                           Enriching, Engaging, Inspiring Our Future
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Evaluation of Grants Funded
The Grosse Pointe Foundation for Public Education requires grant recipients to submit a brief evaluation of the project, including how your goals were met and pictures, within 30 days of the grant project’s conclusion. These evaluations will assist the GPFPE in better understanding and supporting future requests. Any money not used for the project by the end of the grant period will be returned to the GPFPE. Any equipment purchased with foundation money becomes the property of the Grosse Pointe Public School System.

GPFPE also requests that grant recipients secure appropriate media opportunities within the school and the larger community. Photographs, press releases and other publicity items related to the project should be submitted with the final report form, with student names and permissions. Please also attach any news publication or media stories related to this project.

In order to promote sharing of successful projects, GPFPE encourages teachers, principals and administrators to actively promote dissemination of positive experiences gained from projects in their departments, their schools, and if appropriate, throughout the system.

Please Note:  Since form data cannot be saved when using this form, we strongly recommend that you save your data on a separate document and copy/paste into this form. *
Name of Project: *
Date of Project *
Today's Date *
Project Contact Name:
Amount Awarded *
Final Project Cost: *
How many students were served by the grant funds? *
Which schools were impacted?: *
Project Summary:  Describe your project, including the main goal(s) and how specific objectives were achieved.  You may attach additional sheets as necessary, but brevity is encouraged. Please keep the entire final report within 3-5 pages. *
Evaluation:  Describe your assessment and monitoring method(s) and evaluate your success in reaching the project’s intended goals.  Explain how you shared information and results with your collaborators, parents and/or the public.  Describe what elements you would change to improve the outcome of the project.   *
Benefits: How has your project helped further GPPSS educational priorities and district initiatives?  Can you identify any lasting benefits to the participants, the district, or the community from this project? *
Project Quote (for publicity purposes):  Please insert one quotation here that captures the success or uniqueness of your project (remember to list the name of the person who said the quote and their relationship to your organization).  Attach any additional quotations or testimonials for our use in promoting your project and other work of the GPFPE. Please feel welcome to use students and parents for this feedback.  
Suggestions: Do you have any related comments/suggestions to improve the GPFPE grant process and/or future projects? *
Final Financial Report:
Please include a financial report that accounts for your project’s actual expenses, in comparison with your original budget.  Explain any significant variances between the budget and actual expenses in narrative form.  GPFPE may also require you to submit receipts.  The financial report will be used for internal purposes only.

SAMPLE:  Final Financial Report
Sources and amounts of funds Budgeted ACTUAL
PTO $1,000 $
GPFPE $1,000 $
Total $2,000 $

Materials and Supplies—Program Development Budgeted ACTUAL
Training supplies $500 $
Recruitment supplies $100 $
Meeting supplies and hospitality $100 $
Sub-total $700 $
Materials and Supplies—Program Implementation
Curriculum materials $1,000 $
Curriculum printing $300 $
Sub-total $1,300 $
Total $2,000 $

Financial Detail *
Electronic Signatures
Primary Contact's Signature *
Typing your full name here will serve as your electronic signature
Final Report Submission
The GPFPE may request periodic reports on Grant implementation. Within 30 days after completion of the Grant activity, a written evaluation shall be submitted to the Foundation. An oral report may also be requested.

A final reimbursement request should be delivered with the written evaluation.

For questions regarding a grant application or program,
please call 313-432-3058 or email

Katie Stanley, GPFPE
Grosse Pointe Foundation for Public Education
20601 Morningside Rd.
Grosse Pointe Woods, MI 48236

I acknowledge that I have read and understand the final report requirements. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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