Scio Fire District Survey
Here at the Scio Fire District, your opinion of our services is very important to us.  Please take a second to tell us how we're doing (your answers will be completely anonymous).
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What age demographic are you in?
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How did you find out about this survey?
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The Scio Fire District operates fire stations in the communities of Scio, Crabtree, and Bilyeu Den.  What community do you live closest to?
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Have you used the Scio Fire District's emergency services in the past?
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If you answered yes to the above question, how did we do (your response is anonymous and will only be seen by the fire chief and the fire board).
Do you follow the Scio Fire District on social media?
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If you follow us on social media, how are we doing?
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What method of communication would work best for the Scio Fire District to get information to you?
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The Scio Fire District relies on about 35 volunteers to deliver emergency services.  The fire chief is a full-time employee and the only paid responder.  The district is always looking for more volunteers.  Have you considered volunteering with the Scio Fire District? 
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If you haven't volunteered, can you tell us why?
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In an emergency, a fire district's response time is a key factor in limiting property damage and resolving medical issues.  If you were having an emergency, what do you think an appropriate response time would be (from calling 911 to having responders arrive)?
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Do you feel the Scio Fire District is adequately staffed to handle emergencies?
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Is there anything you would like to tell us?  Your response is anonymous and will only be read by the fire chief and fire board.  This is your opportunity to give the district feedback which will help us improve our service delivery.
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