2024-25 Class Placement Family Input Form
You are welcome to add your input to the class placement process, but we hope that you understand that this is a complex process where we try to create balanced classrooms, find efficiencies for scheduling (for example, special education or bilingual/ESL services), and try to find the balance between personal preferences (like who to be with and who to avoid) while cultivating the skills of learning how to deal with different personalities.  And there will be times when a valid consideration ("Our family already has a great relationship with that teacher!") might not win out against other considerations.  Attending to personal preferences and the best interests of the groups of students we are charged with almost always results in some need for compromise.  We promise to use our professional judgment and do our best to provide a great environment for all kids, and hope you support us in those decisions.  Please also remember that these are plans in what can be an unpredictable world; who knows what teachers or students might move away, if there will be maternity / paternity leaves, health conditions, pandemics, or more! 
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Student First & Last Name *
Grade student will be in fall of 2024 *
What input would you like to offer as we consider the class placement process in May of this year?  *
What is your name?  (In case we need to follow up for clarification) *
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