RSVP for Circle of WE Peer Support Group Session
Please take 5 mins to provide us some info to complete your registration.

- Registration will close on 13 May. If we reach the maximum capacity of 15 registrants, we will add your name to the waiting list and keep you informed of any cancellations in advance.
- The Zoom meeting link for the peer support session will be sent by email upon successful registration
- Confirmed participants will also be requested to sign a consent form prior to participating in the peer support group  :)
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To note:
Dear friends,

Here's what to expect from this peer support platform
* Maximum group size of 15 participants
* Led by peer facilitators
* Sessions will recap on the Resilience Education Series' workshops and explore themes relevant to recovery such as Self-Identity & Acceptance, Coping & Resilience and Relationships.

Who is this peer support group for?
- Persons living with mental health challenges
- Recovery-oriented
- Open and willing to engage with others in a mutual peer support setting
- Comfortable with group conducted in English
- Members will be requested to sign a consent form prior to participating in the session

**Resilience Collective is a community of peers. As we are not healthcare providers - we are not equipped to provide counselling, therapy or crisis services. If you are in a mental health crisis or emergency, we would recommend that for your own well-being, you seek help from healthcare professionals so that you get the appropriate help and support. Please contact either SOS at 1800-221-4444 or IMH at 6389-2222.
Join Circle of WE Peer Support Group Session on Thurs, 14 May, 4.00pm - 5.00pm. *
Name *
Email Address *
Contact number *
Please confirm that you have filled in the Resilience Collective "Join Our Community" Form: *
Thank you for your RSVP and you will hear from us shortly!
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