HAMUN January 19, 2024 DRW
We are excited that you are attending HAMUN 49, and look forward to the opportunity to see you in February! In preparation for the upcoming conference, we are hosting two delegate resource workshops.

If you have any questions or concerns about HAMUN 49 or the upcoming DRW, feel free to contact our Director Generals, dg@houstonareamun.org. You will only be sent the zoom link for this event once you have registered.

The Delegate Resource Workshop will be held via Zoom on January 19th @6:00pm 
Join Zoom Meeting
https://houstonareamun-org.zoom.us/j/82362305748?pwd=dkRBK2JzV0xYRWc2eStuZ3NVOHhlZz09 Meeting ID: 823 6230 5748 Passcode: 776606
One tap mobile +13462487799,,82362305748#,,,,*776606# US (Houston) +16694449171,,82362305748#,,,,*776606# US
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