NSCNA Gift Shop & Gallery Attendant Application
Dear Applicant:  Thank you for your interest in this position with the Ned Smith Center for Nature and Art! Please complete this form by September 16, 2024. 
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Your name *
Your email *
Your phone number *
Your education *
Are you available to work Tues - Sat, 10 AM - 4 PM? Can you work at least three Saturdays per month? *
Tell us about your customer service experience and any other relevant work experience. Feel free to describe your experience OR provide a list of previous jobs you have held. *
How are you most comfortable working? *
What experience do you have learning new computer programs? Describe your experience OR list software programs you know how to use. *
If hired, when would you be available to start? *
Is there anything else you would like us to know? For example, what interests you most about this job?
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