Choir Parent Information 2020-2021
I am looking for a great year and having the following information will help me achieve that. If you are able to help with any of the items below I would appreciate it.
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First Name of student *
Last Name of student *
Grade *
Choir your student is in *
Parents Names *
Parent Email *
Best Parent Contact number *
Please give parent name and Phone Number
Can you help the choir program by volunteering for one or more items below
We will Assign Concert volunteers 2 weeks prior to the concert date. Thanks for your help
Choral Standards Agreement:                                  I have read the Choral Handbook and fully understand its contents. I am aware that as part of the choral curriculum, I will not miss concert performances and mandatory rehearsals. As a pursuit of excellence in my musical training, I will use these standards in my study of choral music to maximize my musicianship and create a positive learning experience. Parents please type your name and date to signify you understand the Choral Standards agreement. Thanks I am looking forward to a great year. *
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