Contribute to the Prop 4 Resource Hub

The TOGETHER Bay Area team is creating an online home base of resources for understanding Proposition 4 on the November 5, 2024 ballot and how you can get involved in advocacy & education. The hub will include educational resources (such as an overview of the bond and what’s included in it; FAQs; outside resources like the campaign website and news articles, and stories from members about projects that would benefit from bond funding) and information about ways to get involved (upcoming TOGETHER Bay Area advocacy events; Prop 4 talking points; social media toolkit). 

There are several ways you can contribute to this hub:

  • Share stories about your organization's projects that would benefit from bond funding. We’re envisioning a display of blog posts and news articles that showcase an array of essential and transformative projects across the region that the bond could make possible.
  • Let us know what kinds of Prop 4 resources would be valuable for you in educating your communities about the bond. 
  • Send in resources you already have and love and want to share.
Please use this form to submit your stories, requests, and resources. Thank you! 

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Your name and organization *
What is the name of your organization's project that would benefit from bond funding? 
Brief description (3-5 sentences) about the project to include as part of the resource hub. Should answer the questions: Why is bond funding essential / transformational for this project? How does this project support climate resilience and equity?
Link to blog or news article with full story about project
Please indicate whether it's okay to use photos from the link you shared above and who to credit for photos. If you prefer we use a different photo, please email one that's okay to use to 
Any requests for additional Prop 4 resources you would like available as part of the hub?
Please share a link below to any Prop 4 resources you love and think other TOGETHER Bay Area members would benefit from. 
Thank you for your help creating a valuable Prop 4 resource hub!
Please email and with any questions about the resource hub. 
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