Paid Social Mastermind Group
This is a call for application regarding Facebook Ads Mastermind Group.

I have created a private group for Facebook Ads marketer who want to keep leveling up by sharing the latest lessons with each other. This will be €299/year or €34/month subscription because I only want to have quality folks in this mastermind.

The space is limited to 80 people (we are 70).

Initially, the price was 19€/month for early believers, then, 29€/month and now €34/month. And, after 80 members, it will be €39€/year. So, get in there earlier if possible.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name *
 Email address *
How did you hear about the mastermind group? *
Are you a B2C or B2B marketer? *
Why do you want to join the mastermind group? *
Why would you leave the group at some point?  *
How long are you running Facebook ads?  *
What's your current struggles with Facebook ads? *
How can you benefit the group? *
Do you agree to actively participate and share your lessons on ad-hoc basis with other members? *
Please add your social handles here *
Anything else you want to share?
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