Shameless Dropouts - Act application 
Thanks for your interest in joining Shameless Dropouts. We just need a little info from you to get you started.
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Name (and performer name if different)  *
Preferred pronouns? 
(i.e. she/her, he/him, they/them etc)
email address *
mobile number
(I won't call with regards to your application but might message/WhatsApp you if I need to follow up on anything)
Are you regularly booking gigs which pay £125+? *
Can you provide at least three invoices from within the last 12 months, from at least two different bookers,  which verify work paying £125+ 

You do not need them now but if the rest of your application is successful we may ask for these. 
Can you provide names and contact info for two reputable bookers/venues who would vouch that you have worked for them at this pay scale?

You do not need them now but if the rest of your application is successful we may ask for these. 
Please provide clip links (NOT DOWNLOADS) to performance footage. Please don't send anything heavily edited, we need to see you as close to your live performance as possible.  *
Any promo quotes? *
Any other information/comments/queries?
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