605 Running Co. Private Coaching Services Initial Training Questionnaire
 In order to assist us in best coaching you, it is necessary to obtain a history of your fitness,
health, and medical background in addition to getting more background on your training history, goals, and running experience. Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability. All information will be kept confidential within the 605 Running Co. Private Coaching Staff and assist us in creating and implementing your training plan.
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Email *
Name *
 Street Address
Zip Code
Emergency Contact. Name and Phone *
Any Current Medical Conditions/Medications That We Need to be Aware Of:
Have You Had Any Recent or Chronic Injuries:
How Long Have You Been Running?
Would You Consider Yourself a Novice, Intermediate or Experienced Runner:
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Are You an Experienced Racer
How Many Mile Per Week Have You Averaged Over the Past: 1 Month, 3 Months & 6 Months
Have You Ever Done Speed Workouts Before:
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If Yes, Explain What Types of Workouts:
Describe Any Previous Problems with Training or Racing:
What Are Your Current Training/Racing Goals (Short Term and Long Term):
What Races Do You Want to Run During This Training Cycle:
What Are Your Goals for Those Races:
How Many Days Per Week Can You Train
How Many Hours Per Day Can You Train:
If Necessary Are You Able To Do Two-A-Day Workouts:
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What Equipment Do You Have Available for Training (i.e. Gym Membership, Treadmill, Medicine Ball, etc):
Do You Have Any Training Limitations (Crazy Work Schedule, Family Commitments, etc...):
Personal Best Times and Year ( 1500m/Mile, 3K, 5K, 10K, 10 Mile, Half Marathon, Marathon, Etc.)
Preferred Coach
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