2022-2023 Yearbook Order Form
The 2022-2023 Yearbook is now on sale! The theme for 2022-2023 is "Social Without the Media".  The yearbook highlights all the fun events and happening of the daily lives of students in Argonia Public Schools. 

This year's publication is on sale for $35 from now until April 15th. To purchase a 2022-2023 yearbook, please complete this form. Please make checks payable to USD 359.  Payments may also be made by calling the high school with credit or debit card information.  The yearbooks will be available for pick-up at the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year.  

If you are purchasing multiple yearbooks for a family, you can put under 1 student name instead of doing 1 for each student. 

If you have any questions, please contact the yearbook staff by email at yearbook@argonia359.org. 
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Cover 22-23 Yearbook
Student Name *
Student's 2023-2024 Grade *
Number of yearbooks purchasing *
If Elementary or JH student: Parent/Guardian Name
Contact email or phone: *
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Este formulário foi criado dentro de Argonia Unified School District 359.