Rochester Adams Athletic Boosters Supporter Registration Form 2023/24
Membership Term: August 2023 - July 31, 2024
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Booster Meetings are typically scheduled for the 2nd Monday of each month @ 7PM. 

We alternate Zoom and in person in the Adams Media Center. Emails will go out to members with notice. 

E-MAIL questions:

Calina Goss - Community Engagement Coordinator 
Adams Athletic Boosters
3200 W Tienken Rd.
Rochester Hills, MI 48306
First Name  *
Last Name *
Mailing address:

Please enter exactly as it will appear on an envelope. Please make sure to include city, state and zip code.
Email Address *
Mobile Phone Number *
Please choose your Level of Support option:  *
If you chose Donation above, please add amount here: 

🍿Home Game Popcorn + 🍭Candy Punch Card 

Card may be brought to any concession stand indoor or outdoor for a complimentary popcorn or candy item of your choosing. Each card has 5 punches, $2 per punch.

May be used at anytime during the 23-24 school year

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Brick Engraving Information:

Bricks to be placed in Alumni Plaza outside of the athletic entrance at the end of the school year

Each brick no matter the size is LIMITED TO 20 CHARACTERS PER LINE including spaces. 

4x8 Bricks allow 3 lines  

8x8 Bricks allow 4 lines. 

Please make sure to double check your responses. Thank You!

Brick Opt Out:  If a supporter at the Plaid and Highlander Levels chooses not to have a brick made or already has an existing brick then, they can opt to receive a “Stand Bucks.” 

These “bucks” are  redeemable  at the concession stand for merchandise or food item of their choosing. In stock items only. 

IN PERSON ONLY, may not be redeemed online. 

🤎 ⚔️ 💛  Plaid Level receives $30 in Bucks
💛 ⚔️ 🤎  Highlander Level receives $50 in Bucks. 
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Please acknowledge that you understand all car decals, popcorn/candy punch cards and Stand Bucks will be mailed via USPS.  *
Please choose your payment option:   *
If you chose Cash or Check above, please let us know how you will deliver your payment. Whether you bring it to the office, send it in with your student or turn it in to your Team Rep. Thank you. 
Student Name(s) I am Supporting:
Team/Affiliations - you can share all teams your student(s) will be a part of this school year.  *

Concession Stand Volunteer Opportunities 

Adams Athletic Boosters needs and appreciates volunteers to run the concession stand. This is a vital part of  the revenue we generate for the Athletic Program and 100% of the profits are returned back to our kids!

 Please understand that for each event you volunteer, there is an allocation for your specified team per time slot. It comes from a portion of Booster Concession profits for that season. It has been approximately $45 in recent past years.  It varies from year to year. 

At the beginning of each school year a Sign Up Genius will be emailed out with these optional volunteering opportunities. Additional emails may be sent throughout the school year if more volunteers are needed for a certain event. We would love for you to join us!

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