Icepops 2024 Submission form
Please use this form to submit your suggested contribution for Icepops 2024 which will be taking place on Thursday 5th September at Leeds Beckett University with the ALT CoOL SIG AGM and library tours taking place on Friday 6th September. All presenters will be required to register for the conference, although they will be eligible for a reduced entry fee. Please note online presentations are not accepted.

Please send submissions to us by Monday 3rd June. We will notify you by 17th June to confirm whether your submission has been accepted.

The main conference theme this year is "Copyright and the human being" 
with the following sub-themes:
  • Navigating systems; 
  • Building communities;
  • Breaking the rules
However, we don't want you to feel constrained if you have a great idea relating to copyright literacy that doesn't fit 100% into any of the above. Please just let us know and we'll see if it fits in the programme.

If you have any queries about submissions then please email 
Name *
Institution / organisation *
Email address *
Title of contribution *
And don't forget we are looking for creativity and playfulness in titles too!
Contribution type *
Which of the conference themes does your contribution address *
Brief summary of your contribution (max 200 words) *
In order for us to assess your contribution we require a brief abstract summarising your talk - we will also use this on the conference website if accepted. Please tell us more about your contribution, whether it's a new approach to teaching, a games pitch or an interesting idea you have. How is it different, new, creative or innovative? What will delegates learn from your session?
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