Dear English Language Instructors,  This questionnaire Composed of four parts, intends to investigate your attitudes toward Teacher immunity, Grit, Work Engagement and Psychological Well- being. check next to each statement that represents your best response or opinion. Please note that the information will be kept confidential and will be used for academic research purposes. The researchers believe that your valuable attitudes will add to the rigor and quality of this study. Thank you so much in advance for your time and cooperation.
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1. I often set a goal but later choose to pursue a different one.

Very much like me
Not like me at all

2. New ideas and projects sometimes distract me from previous ones.

Very much like me
Not like me at all

3. I become interested in new pursuits every few months.

Very much like me
Not like me at all

4. My interests change from year to year.

Very much like me
Not like me at all

5. I have been obsessed with a certain idea or project for a short time but later lost interest.

Very much like me
Not like me at all

6. I have difficulty maintaining my focus on projects that take more than a few months to complete.

Very much like me
Not like me at all

7. I have achieved a goal that took years of work.

Very much like me
Not like me at all

8. I have overcome setbacks to conquer an important challenge.

Very much like me
Not like me at all

9. I finish whatever I begin.

Very much like me
Not like me at all

10. Setbacks don’t discourage me.

Very much like me
Not like me at all

11. I am a hard worker.

Very much like me
Not like me at all

12. I am diligent.

Very much like me
Not like me at all
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