Independent Americans Listener Survey
Our listeners like you are our fuel for this show. As we get ready to close out 2021, I'd love to get your feedback on how we can make the show better---and learn more about who's listening. I'd really appreciate it if you could take a few minutes and answer a few quick confidential questions. I know your time is valuable. So as a special thank you and incentive, I'll send a free Independent Americans t-shirt to 5 people chosen at random from everyone who finishes the survey. It should take you only about 3 minutes total. Thanks for being a part of our community. Happy holidays, and stay vigilant! - Paul
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How Do You Listen? *
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Gender: How Do You Identify?
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Political Affiliation *
Income Level
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Do you watch our Independent Americans videos on YouTube? *
Are you a member of our exclusive Patreon community for our most dedicated listeners?
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Have you listened to The Firefighters with Rob Serra or any other Righteous Media podcasts?
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What other podcasts do you listen to?
Why do you listen to Independent Americans? *
How Did You Hear About Us? *
Questions, Comments or Suggestions for Us?
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