Summer HONK Registration Form
Thank you for your interest in joining Summer HONK! 
We're so excited to play with you 🎉🎺🎷🎹

2024 Program Details:
July 15th – July 26th 
Monday – Friday, 9am-12pm
Somerville High School

Please note: Our program often includes an optional family excursion to George's Island with our larger band community on a Sunday in late July or August. We'll keep you updated on if/when that free event is happening!

Please fill out the information below to register. If you have any questions, please email Rosalie at
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Email Address *
Name of Participant *
Age of Participant *
Participant's preferred pronouns *
Name of Participant's Caregiver/Guardian  *
Phone number (best one to reach someone during program hours!) *
Home Address *
Which weeks will you join? *
What instrument do you play (or want to play at Summer HONK)?  *
How long have you played that instrument? *
Do you have your own instrument?   *
We will make our best effort to provide people with an instrument if they don't have their own.
Cost is $125 per week for those who can afford, and we have scholarships support. Would you like to receive scholarship support?
Please share any medical information we should be aware of.
Anything else you'd like us to know?
Thank you for your registration! You can expect a confirmation within the next week, and a welcome email with full details by mid-June.
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