Initial Contact Form
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Name(s) *
Email *
Phone or WhatsApp Number *
How did you hear about us? *
Referrer or Lawyer's Name and Contact Information *
If you are a lawyer completing this on behalf of a client, please input your information here.
What is the best method and time to get in touch? Please specify your location and timezone if you are outside of Canada. *
What is the best way to get in touch with you: phone, e-mail, WhatsApp, other (please specify)? Please provide us with a secure and reliable way of getting in touch, or we will not be able to help!
Secondary Contact Information
In case we cannot reach you, please input the name, email, phone number/WhatsApp number for your secondary contact.
Are you contacting us about your own legal questions, or about someone else? *
What do you need help with? *
Do you require an interpreter? If, yes, what language? *
If you need an interpreter, do you have a family member, friend, or another person you trust who can interpret for you? If not, we will try and find a volunteer to help you!
Do we have your permission to share your name and contact information with our volunteer lawyers? *
Additional Comments *
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This form was created inside of Junior Refugee and Immigration Lawyers Network.

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