Bird Day LIVE October 2020
World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD) is a global event that celebrates the phenomenon of bird migrations and serves as a call to action to protect the birds we share. Environment for the Americas organizes WMBD in the Americas, connecting people to bird conservation from Canada to Argentina and the Caribbean. WMBD is officially celebrated on the second Saturday in May (May 9, 2020) and the second Saturday in October each year (October 10, 2020).

We will celebrate virtually in October and are inviting you to apply to participate and/or to present. Please fill out the form below.
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Please provide your name and email *
Organization name and email and/or phone number *
If your organization uses social media, please provide the links/handles (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)
Bird Day LIVE offers many activities, and we have a space for you. Please check all activities in which you would like to participate (check all that apply) *
Please provide a short description of how you plan to participate. If you selected more than one option, please indicate the numbers (1 through 6)
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