What is Autism?
Scottish Ethnic Minority Autistics (SEMA) is delighted to launch translated versions of their popular “What is Autism?” webinar (originally recorded in English).  Topics covered include:
  • What Autism is
  • How to support your Autistic loved one
  • Anti-racism
  • What the law says about your Autistic loved one’s human rights
The translations are available in URDU and ARABIC, as well as the ENGLISH original.  To receive a link to these recordings(s), please complete and submit this form.

For further information please email hello@autistic-collective.org

Developed in collaboration with our good friends at The Autistic Collective CIC.  An extended thank you also to the lovely people at East Renfrewshire Carers Centre (ERCC), Voluntary Action East Renfrewshire (VAER) and the Community Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund

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