A King Drive Clean Up with 414loral!
Join us in preparation for Earth Day for a King Drive Clean Up! Starting at Pete's Fruit Market parking lot, you will be checked in and provided with rented cleaning supplies from Keep Greater Milwaukee Beautiful.   Cleaning journey heads south on MLK Drive, ending at 414loral Southside lot where water, Pilcrow cold brew and snacks will be provided. Waste will be disposed in a nearby dumpster on N 2nd ST and W Vine ST. 
We appreciate your support in making our community a little greener! 

WHEN: Saturday, April 20th from 11am to 1pm
MEET: Pete's Fruit Market (
2323 N M.L.K. Jr Dr)

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I acknowledge that I am voluntarily assisting in a 414LORAL LLC cleanup event.  I have read a description of this volunteer activity and/or have been briefed on the activity and understand that this activity may involve hazards to me, my real or personal property.  However, I am willing to take the risk of such hazards in order to participate as a volunteer in this activity.  I hereby agree to assume those risks.I understand as a volunteer that I will not be paid for my services, that I will not be covered by any medical or other insurance coverage provided by any of the coordinators of the 414LORAL LLC cleanup, and that I will not be eligible for any Workers Compensation benefits. I understand that I am not acting as an agent, authorized representative or employee of 414LORAL LLC and not entitled to any benefits which may accrue thereto. I hereby agree that I, and anyone else claiming through me, will not make a claim against 414LORAL LLC, any of its affiliated retailers and partner organizations, or either of their staff collectively or individually, or the supplier of any materials or equipment that is used by the cleanup, or any of the volunteer workers, for the injury or death to me or damage to my property, however caused, arising from my participation in the cleanup. This release is intended to be broad in its effect. I understand the physical requirements of participation in this activity and I meet these requirements. I give permission for coordinators, staff and emergency personnel to make necessary first aid decisions in the event of accident, injury or illness. In the case of injury, accident, illness or inability to complete these activities, I will bear the full cost of any expense incurred due to any injury to myself or damage to my property. I certify that to my knowledge there is no medical reason which would prevent me from safely participating in the 414LORAL LLC Cleanup. In consideration of being allowed to participate in this activity, I hereby release and hold harmless 414LORAL LLC and its employees, directors, and agents from any and all claims that may arise from or relate to my participation in this activity, including negligence on the part of any of them.
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