Researcher Profile Audit Services (RPAS)
Thank you for your interest in the Himmelfarb Library's Researcher Profile Audit Service (RPAS). This service is available to faculty and researchers at the GW Schools of Medicine and Health Sciences, the Milken Institutes Schools of Public Health, and the School of Nursing. Please complete the following form and we will contact you shortly with our audit findings.
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Name *
GW email address
School and department affiliation
Do you have an ORCiD? (Open Researcher and Contributor ID - If yes, what is your ORCID ID number?
Have you ever published under another name? (e.g., a maiden name)
Did you work and publish articles at institutions prior to your time at GW? If so, please list those institutions here:
Are there specific Researcher Profile systems that you would like us to audit? (select all that apply)
Do you have any additional questions about the visibility of your scholarly output?
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