ASAPbio Fellows program 2025

The ASAPbio Fellows program aims to allow participants to learn more about preprints and build confidence in interacting with others about preprints and open research. The program also provides opportunities for the Fellows to connect with other members of the community. More information on the program is available at and in the Fellows handbook.

We welcome applications from active researchers at any career stage, and from those involved in supporting researchers e.g. librarians, editors or science communicators. There are no restrictions related to country or location. We do however require participants to have a good grasp of spoken and written English in addition to a reliable internet connection.

The Fellows program consists of an initial Culture and Community track with an optional projects track. The full Fellows program runs for seven months (March to September) with the culture and community track completing in August (six months). The expectation is that you will participate in activities requiring up to 5 hours/month. ASAPbio will provide organizational support throughout the program. ASAPbio Fellows are also members of the ASAPbio Community.

We will review applications and follow up with applicants via email within two weeks after the Feb 10 application deadline. The program will run from March to August (for the initial track) and to September (for the projects track) 2025. We will be recruiting 30-35 Fellows in 2025.

Please note:
- For applications to be considered, this form must be completed in full
- Fellows are expected to attend all cohort calls and remain active for the duration of the program
- Fellows are not permitted to use Ai bots for program meetings
- Fellows must have good English communication skills as the program is delivered entirely in English
- Fellows must have a good internet connection as the program is fully remote

Please complete the form below to tell us a bit about you and your interest in the program. You can also stay up to date by visiting our website and keep in touch via email - we'd love to hear from you with any questions!

Please note: a copy of your answers to this form will be emailed to you. By clicking submit, you consent to ASAPbio sharing the information as detailed in the question descriptions. We will list information of the selected program participants on the ASAPbio website, this includes name, position, institution and research area. We use your email address to invite you to the Google and Slack groups and to contact you directly. We will not share your email with any third parties without permission.

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Email *
First name *
Last name *
Position/role *
How many years have you held this position/role?
Clear selection
Institution/Organization type *
What city and country are you based in?
ASAPbio aims to support equity and inclusion in all of our activities. We seek to collect data around gender and race to help us understand where there are imbalances in our organization, community or activities and help us address such imbalances. If you are comfortable sharing your gender, please indicate so below, otherwise, select 'I prefer not to answer this question'.
By answering this question, you consent to ASAPbio handling this information in accordance with our privacy policy.
Clear selection
We seek to collect data around gender and race to help us understand where there are imbalances in our organization, community or activities and help us address such imbalances. If you are comfortable sharing your race, please indicate so below, otherwise, select 'I prefer not to answer this question'.
By answering this question, you consent to ASAPbio handling this information in accordance with our privacy policy.
Your research field(s) *
BlueSky handle (optional)
This is for tagging you in any posts as relevant and necessary
LinkedIn handle (optional)
This is for tagging you in any posts as relevant and necessary
Mastodon handle (optional)
This is for tagging you in any posts as relevant and necessary
Scientific societies you are a member of (optional)
What are your goals by joining the ASAPbio Fellows program? *
Please tell us a bit about your interest and goals, are there particular benefits, resources or support you are looking for? What would you hope to achieve?  
Please indicate what skills or experience you’d like to gain from the ASAPbio Fellows program *
What do you hope to contribute to the ASAPbio Fellows program? *
Please add a few comments on any skills or initiatives you would be comfortable contributing as part of the ASAPbio Fellows program, e.g. social media activities, outreach, training resources or other activities. We will use this information for internal purposes and will not share it in an identifiable way.
Are there any particular projects you'd like to be involved in or initiate?
Where did you hear about ASAPbio? *
This information is for internal purposes only, it may be shared in aggregate form at some point but not in an identifiable way.
Are you involved in any other open science or preprint-related community or program?
Please tell us about any other program or initiative related to open science, publishing, science communication and/or tools that you are a part of. This information is for internal purposes only, it may be shared in aggregate form at some point but not in an identifiable way.
Privacy policy and acknowledgements *
By clicking submit, you agree to abide by the ASAPbio community guidelines and Code of Conduct. You also consent to the ASAPbio privacy policy and to ASAPbio sharing the information as detailed in the questions. For example, we will list name, position, institution and research area info online at a page dedicated to the Fellows program, and we use your email address to invite you to the Google and Slack groups and to contact you directly. We'll be in touch with more information by email within two weeks following closure of applications. By submitting this form, you agree to the following terms. Check all boxes to acknowledge your agreement.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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