Snap! Classroom - Interest Form

Thank you for your interest in learning more about how Snap! Classroom can simplify your workflow

We are giving away a limited number of Snap! Classroom licenses for the full academic year to teachers who teach an introductory course using Snap! or the BJC curriculum in a school setting. 

Please fill the following form if you are interested. We will schedule a detailed demo and answer any questions you may have in early August.

For any questions, please contact

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Email *
First name *
Last name *
Contact Phone Number *
May we text message your Contact Phone Number? *
Current School Name *
Current School City and State *
How many years have you taught using SnapI? *
How many students do you teach Snap! each year?  *
Which curricula do you teach? *
Are you interested only in the platform, or also in our curricula? *
Which features of Snap! Classroom are you most interested in? (select all that apply) *
When would you like to start using Snap! Classroom?  *
What is your current Learning Management System (LMS)? *
Are you the decision maker on using Snap! Classroom in your classes? *
Which Single Sign-on systems do your students use? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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