Evaluation Survey on the Quality of the i-Care MOOC
(based on the “Global Survey on the Quality of MOOCs” - This Global Survey aims at improving the Quality of MOOCs and is facilitated by the European Alliance MOOQ)

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Please read the following questions and answer according to your learning experience with the i-Care MOOC.
1) How do you rate your learning experience in this MOOC?
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2) The i-Care MOOC offered a complete course experience online for free.
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3) The i-Care MOOC:
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
Not applicable
... met my intentions at the time of my registration.
… had clearly defined learning objectives.
… clearly stated the knowledge and skills that I should learn until the end of the course.
… was appropriately structured into equal parts (modules, themes and/or weeks).
…‘s learning resources were appropriate for my learning needs.
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4) I have participated in the i-Care MOOC:
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
Not applicable
To look at educational resources
To download educational resources
To gain new knowledge
To acquire new skills
To participate in a course that allows self-regulated learning
To communicate and collaborate with a community of learners
To get a certification
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5) The following types of learning resources were important for the quality of learning in the i-Care MOOC:
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
Not applicable
PowerPoint presentations
Assignments/Activities/Exercises/ Self-evaluation quizzes
Web links
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6) The following learning assessment tools were helpful:
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
Not applicable
Tests with automated feedback
Tests with non-automated feedback
Tests without feedback
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7) The i-Care MOOC allowed me:
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
Not applicable
To follow my own personal learning path and pace
To monitor my learning progress
To take notes, read further, or annotate content
To gain more knowledge
To acquire new skills
To read texts
To listen to audios
To watch videos
To view/read presentations
To complete tests
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8) What were your expectations of this training program?
9) Were your expectations met and if not, why?
10) Which basic skills do you feel you need to develop further?
11) Do you think there are any other tools that could be used and would be more effective for your training in basic skills and, if so, which ones?
12) Which soft skills do you feel you need to develop further?
13) Do you think there are any other tools that could be used and would be more effective for your training in soft skills and, if so, which ones?
14) Which ICT skills do you feel you need to develop further?
15) Do you think there are any other tools that could be used and would be more effective for your training in ICT skills and, if so, which ones?
16) How do you hope to change your practice as a result of this training?
17) What aspects of this training could be improved?
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