Space Camp in Huntsville, AL- 2025
Galapagos is excited to offer a summer adventure like no other. Scholars will spend six days at Space Camp in Huntsville, AL from the 6th to 11th of July, 2025.  This camp is open to 5th-8th graders.

Throughout the week, scholars awill be immersed in astronaut training techniques using equipment adapted from NASA’s astronaut program. They will learn about space hardware, enjoy an educational water activity and experience a spaceflight mission while learning about aerospace career opportunities. T

Once a scholar is selected, we will have an informational meeting with representatives.  The cost of this trip is $200.  

The deadline for this application by February 8, 2025. 
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Grade and Crew Instructor *
Parent Phone Number *
Describe why you are interested in going to Space Camp.  Specifically, why does space and astronauts interested you? *
Please answer these questions in 4-6 sentences. 

Tell us about a time where you had to do something outside of your comfort zone (something that you were nervous about.)  What was it?  What did you have to overcome to be successful?

The most challenging thing I have had to do in school is… 

The most helpful thing I have ever done for someone was…  *
What other programs have you participated in at Galapagos (Project Passport or Not Your Dad's Summer Programs) ?   It's ok,  if you have not done other programs.   Please mark only the programs that you have participated in; do not mark programs that you want to participate in. *
Do your parents or guardians know that you are applying for this program *
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