WILD NIGHTS OUT Matric's 2022 - Application form
WILD NIGHTS OUT happens only once a year and is for any Matric student who wants to do something different to celebrate and mark the enormous milestone of finishing school. Places are limited to 18 people.

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Name and surname *
Residential Address  *
Cell Phone: *
We will be creating a WhatsApp group to communicate with you. Please DOUBLE check that your number has 10 digits.
Gender: *
ID Number: *
Date of Birth: *
Home Language *
Why do you want to come on WILD NIGHTS OUT? *
Why do you feel you should be one of the participants? Please really consider your reasons and then share them here. The more personalized and detailed the better. Your response is what will be considered most carefully in allocating places on WILD NIGHTS OUT. 
The more effort you put in the more likely it is that you will be allocated a place. 
The ability to answer these kinds of questions is a real life skill, so use this opportunity to practice... enjoy telling us who you are and why you should be here. We expect at least 1/3 of a page essay to give you an idea.

Part of this answer might include: Who are you? 
Why do you feel you should be one of the participants? 
What do you hope to get from the experience? 
What life experiences have you had that makes you feel like you need one of these places?
What might you offer or bring because of who you are to the group? 
What direction do you think you might want to go in and how this experience might help with this? etc etc
Do you have any chronic medical conditions? *
Guardian Name and surname: *
Guardian Cell Phone: *
Alternative emergency contact person: Name, relationship to them and number *
Relationship to guardian (mother, father, guardian, etc): *
Do you have any allergies? *
Are you currently on any medication? *
Medical Aid Name:
Medical Aid Number:
Where did you hear about WILD NIGHTS OUT from? *
Please state what "other" avenue you hear about it from:
If you are allocated a place then thanks to funders 18 scholarships are made available to support Matric’s getting out into nature, therefore the cost to you is minimal. There is simply a donation that we ask you to make that is a “Pay-it-forward” gesture of R400. This money is put towards helping the Matrics of next year to go out into the mountains, in the same way that this donation from the year before is now going towards helping you to join us. If you do not have the R400 then please do get in contact with us with an amount that feels possible for you. Otherwise let use know which of these options you choose: I will be paying the R400 "PAY-IT-FORWARD" Donation via *
I am aware that WILD NIGHTS OUT happens in the WESTERN CAPE and that it is up to me to get myself to CAPE TOWN to meet the organized transport. By ticking "YES" I can verify that I have spoken with my parent/guardian about WILD NIGHTS OUT and will be able to get myself to Cape Town before the departure date if I am given one of the scholarships. *
If you have ticked "Something else" in the previous question please explain here.
Thank you.
If there is anything else you feel we should know to ensure your safety on the trail, please leave comments here:
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