Beatitudes Missions Application

This app begins your discernment of a life-changing experience. Pray to the Holy Spirit and take your time as you answer the deeper questions.
- Fr. Anthony and the Beatitudes Missions staff
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First Name you go by *
Last Name *
First Name as on passport, if different
Middle Name (as on passport if you have one)
Date of Birth *
Passport expiration date (if you have a passport) *
Permanent (or parents') Address *
College attending or job *
Graduation Year and month (if applicable) *
Email *
Phone *
Gender *
College major
Please email a headshot to with the subject line "BM Application - [your first and last name]" and name the photo file in the following way:   firstname_lastname *
Where/through whom did you first hear about us?
Interested in... *
I'm mainly interested in this (these) experience(s), of those listed above:
Why do you feel called to this time of formation, mission, or pilgrimage? *
Tell us briefly about your family and upbringing. *
Job experience *
Describe your daily/weekly spiritual life. *
List your favorite sports, hobbies, and extracurriculars. *
Can you sing harmony and/or play an instrument? Which voice and/or instrument? *
Name a couple books that have impacted you.
Ever gone to spiritual direction? For how long? How was it?   *
What is your experience of discerning consecrated life/priesthood? What do you hope to discover? *
Are you currently dating or discerning any communities or dioceses?
List what experience you've had out of the country. *
Know any French? Other languages? *
How motivated are you to learn some Hebrew? *
Who we are...
Have you had any experiences with the Community of the Beatitudes already? Any questions, thoughts, interests in their charisms? See video above or refer to 
Any particular experience or interest Carmelite spirituality? Charismatic spirituality? Franciscan spirituality?
Any particular experience or interest in Judaism or Eastern Orthodox/Byzantine spirituality, e.g., a class, book, movie, friend, visit to a church or synagogue?
What kinds of manual work to you enjoy?
In what ways do you like to serve others?
Can you describe a way in which you have worked well with others in a difficult circumstance?
Would you be comfortable with/excited for camping on the shores of the Sea of Galilee or elsewhere? *
Meet us!
 After watching this YouTube, do any other motivations come to mind?
List any other fears, reservations, physical limitations or particular needs that we should know about. *
List any food allergies or dietary restrictions; how closely must they be followed during travel or in another culture where food options may be limited. *
List any allergies to medications (or other things). *
List any medications or treatments (over the counter or prescribed) and frequency of use. *
If you desire, please describe any history of anxiety, depression, insomnia, self-harming, mental health conditions. Diagnosed or tendencies? Treatment? To be more discrete, you can email Fr. Anthony directly: *
Describe your relationship to alcohol or other substances. *
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