2024 Symposium Sponsor/Exhibitor Application
Read below for more information and to fill out the exhibitor application, then click SUBMIT.

* Conference Date: Saturday, July 27, 2024, 8:30am to 3:00pm
* Venue: University Center, University of Tennessee Chattanooga
* Presentations for adults on the autism spectrum, parents/caregivers, professionals , and students.
* We expect 200 people to attend.
* Participants can choose from 12 different sessions.
* Topics will range from employment, independent living, social relationships/skills, health and wellness, Autism and society, latest research findings, medical issues, transitions, support systems, preparing for life after school, and more.


Nonprofit Exhibitor (501c3, etc.) - FREE, but please provide item for door prize or silent auction
For not-for-profit organizations with a 501c3 designation as recognized by IRS
Exhibitor table, linen, and two chairs
Covers cost of two staff, including lunch.  Cost is $10 for each additional person.
Must supply one gift as door prize / silent auction item (~$20)

Autism-run Business - FREE, limited availability,  but please provide item for door prize or silent auction
For autism families/individuals who have a product or service but aren't a nonprofit.
Business must be run by autistic adult or parent of autistic child.
Limited number of these exhibitor tables available.
Exhibitor table, linen, and two chairs
Covers cost of two staff, including lunch.  Cost is $10 for each additional person.
•      Must supply one gift as door prize / silent auction item (~$20)

Nonprofit Exhibitor PREMIUM - $50
For not-for-profit organizations only
Exhibitor table, linen, and two chairs
Get to pick your exhibitor location in advance
Covers cost of two staff, including lunch.  Cost is $10 for each additional person.

General Exhibitor - $100  
Exhibitor table, linen, and two chairs
Covers cost of two staff, including lunch.  Cost is $10 for each additional person.

Premium Exhibitor - $350
Exhibitor table, linen, and two chairs
Get to pick your exhibitor location in advance
Listed in Symposium program and Chattanooga Autism Center/GCA's websites as supporter
Listed on the symposium program as a “Friends of GCA” sponsor
Covers cost of two staff, including lunch.  Cost is $10 for each additional person.

Friends of GCA Sponsor - $300
Listed on Program and Chattanooga Autism Center/GCA Centre for Adult Autism websites as supporter

Silver Sponsor - $700 
All Premium Exhibitor perks
Acknowledged Chattanooga Autism Center's and GCA's Facebook Groups (over 3,000 members)
Logo on website and conference programs
Logo on signage at conference
¼ page ad in Symposium Program
Recognition during conference
Logo on sponsor slideshow during lunch

Coffee Refreshment Sponsor - $1000
All Premium Exhibitor perks
Acknowledged Chattanooga Autism Center's and GCA's Facebook Groups (over 3,000 members)
Recognized as official coffee sponsor of the Symposium
Logo on website and conference programs
Logo on signage at conference
½ page ad in Conference Program
Recognition during conference
Logo on sponsor slideshow during lunch

Gold Sponsor - $2,000
All Premium Exhibitor perks
Acknowledged Chattanooga Autism Center's and GCA's Facebook Groups (over 3,000 members)
Large logo on website and conference programs
Large logo on signage at conference
½ page ad in Conference Program
Recognition during conference
Large logo on slideshow in all conference rooms between talks

Founding Sponsor - $3,600+
All Premium Exhibitor perks
Introduces speakers at one or more sessions of a theme (optional)
Full page ad in Symposium program
Recognition during workshops
Largest logo on slideshow during lunch
Largest logo on website and conference programs
Your organization’s literature placed at all tables at lunch and at check-in (optional)
Largest logo on signage at conference and at check-in table

If you have questions, call Nathan Zimmerman at 423-531-6961 opt 7 or Dave Buck Phone: 423-531-6961 opt 4

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Exhibitor Type *
Contact Person *
Email Address *
Booth Staff
List the names of the person(s) staffing the booth at the Symposium conference. Include first and last name for badges.
Email Booth Staff
List emails of people staffing your booth.
Phone Number
Choose your preferred payment method
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Lunch option
Please select which Jimmy John's box lunch sandwich option you would like. The lunch includes an 8" sandwich, chips, and a cookie, plus a pickle spear. If you have multiple staff, we will send a lunch request to them using the email you provide. 
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Dietary restrictions 
Please list any dietary restrictions and we will work with Jimmy John Subs to accomodate your needs. 
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