WHO wants to be a Climate Collaborator?
The Climate Collaboratory helps individuals and organizations cooperate, collaborate and co-create solutions for a world that works for all.  That's 100% of humanity, and the community of life on Earth, our home.

We each have a story to tell about this time in human history.  Together we are living the story that will be told for many generations to come.  Our collaborative storytelling adventure inspires, informs and involves all ages in a community-wide Climate Conversation in Action.  We are building community in a changing climate.  

Join the Climate Collaborators on the Road to 2030, 2050 and Beyond. Tell us a little about yourself, where your passion lies, what you're working on, and what you bring to the climate conversation.  Our goal is to amplify the work you are already doing and expand the conversation to include others in places of work, worship, learning and play.

The Climate Collaboratory is a pilot project of We, the World, the Interfaith Climate Group, and growing networks of support.
climatecollaboratory.org  -  sueblythe@we.net 

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I am a ...   (select all that apply) *
Age Group *
Organization (name of your school, business, or community group)
Introduce yourself to the other Climate Collaborators in a sentence or two.  Who are you, and what organization do you identify with?  Why?
We need to win the Global Goals by 2030 to make a world that works for all.  Which goals are you most passionate about?  Choose up to three.
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What is the one Goal that most attracts your heart?  
What are you currently doing about that, or what do you intend to do in the next few weeks or months?
If you were to express your passion through the arts, how would you like to see, hear, or experience it?
What skills and experiences do you bring to the Climate Collaboratory?
What products and services, if any, do you bring to the Climate Conversation in Action?
Are you willing to be interviewed on Zoom about your work for a better future?  If so, we will share your information with our Roving Reporters, who may choose to contact you.  
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Do you give permission to use your responses in our publications, website, and social media?  If under age 18, please have parent or guardian complete this Media Release for Minor Children.  
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Please leave any questions, comments or suggestions here.  Thanks for joining us on the Road to 2030, 2050 and Beyond!   The Climate Collaboratory is a pilot project of the Interfaith Climate Group and We, the World with a growing network of partners.  For more information, please contact Sue Blythe <sueblythe@we.net>
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