Bryant Ranch PTA needs YOU!
The PTA Nominating Committee is putting together a proposed slate of candidates for the 2025/2026 school year Executive Board and we are in need of volunteers!  Do you have interest in serving in an Executive Officer position? We welcome your support and need YOU! Please indicate any and all positions you are interested in by checking the boxes below.  

A brief summary of duties is listed and further detailed job descriptions are available for your review on the California PTA website,   Training is available for these positions through the PTA 4th District. Current board members are also more than willing to answer any questions that you might have.  

We welcome all to consider a position and truly appreciate your willingness to volunteer!

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President – The President leads the PTA toward specific goals chosen by its members, in accordance with the policies and purposes of the National & California PTA, by coordinating and supervising the activities of all officers and committees. Presides at the monthly PTA Executive Board meetings and meetings of the Association.  Attends monthly PTA Council meetings and all other unit planning meetings when called upon to do so.  Meets regularly with the Principal to ensure effective communication and progress toward established goals. Co-signs all payment requests and checks & reviews all communication for distribution.  A working knowledge of communication technology, word/google docs, spreadsheet skills are necessary.  
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1st Vice President of Ways & Means – Is the designated resource for the Chair positions & committees responsible for the various fundraisers, such as, but not limited to, Jog-A-Thon and Book Fair. Actively participates in recruiting Fundraiser Chair positions if vacant.  Presents new fundraising options for review.  Attends the monthly PTA Executive Board meetings as well as other planning meetings when scheduled.  Maintains a comprehensive Procedure Book for position.  A working knowledge of communication technology & word/google docs & spreadsheet application skills are helpful.
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2nd Vice President of Programs – Provides relevant, entertaining, curriculum-related programs for our students and their families.  Is the designated resource for the Chair positions & committees over which they are assigned, including, but not limited to Red Ribbon Week, School Play and Family Nights. Actively participates in recruiting Program Chair positions if vacant.  Attends the monthly PTA Executive Board meetings as well as other planning meetings when scheduled.  Maintains a comprehensive Procedure Book for position.  A working knowledge of communication technology & word/google docs & spreadsheet application skills are helpful.
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3rd Vice President of Volunteers – Coordinates the volunteers by conducting a survey at the beginning of the year & maintains the volunteer database.  Actively participates in recruiting volunteers for various activities throughout the year.  Is the designated resource for the Chair positions & committees over which they are assigned.  Attends the monthly PTA Executive Board meetings as well as other planning meetings when scheduled.  Maintains a comprehensive Procedure Book for position.  A working knowledge of communication technology & word/google docs & spreadsheet application skills are helpful.
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Treasurer – Is the authorized custodian of all funds. Pays the bills, reconciles the checkbook, maintains the books, prepares transaction and budget reports for the monthly board meetings, and prepares an annual financial report.  Attends the monthly PTA Executive Board meetings as well as other planning meetings when scheduled.  Maintains a comprehensive Procedure Book for position.  A working knowledge of communication technology & word/google docs & spreadsheet application skills, as well as accounting software experience is helpful.
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Recording Secretary – Keeps an accurate, concise, permanent record of the proceedings of all meetings of the Association and of the Executive Board. Takes minutes at all board meetings, distributes the minutes, and cosigns all payment requests. Attends the monthly PTA Executive Board meetings as well as other meetings when called upon to do so.  Maintains a comprehensive Procedure Book for position.  A working knowledge of communication technology & word/google docs & spreadsheet application skills are helpful.
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Auditor – Audits the books and financial records of the Bryant Ranch PTA to determine their accuracy. Presents written reports on audits to the board and the association for approval twice a year . Forwards the bi-annual reports to Council. Attends the monthly PTA Executive Board meetings as well as other meetings when called upon to do so. Maintains a comprehensive Procedure Book for position. A working knowledge of finance, accounting and spreadsheet application skills is helpful.  
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Historian – Assembles and preserves a record of the activities, achievements and volunteer hours of the Association.  Assists the President with the preparation of the Association’s Annual Report required by the California PTA.  Attends the monthly PTA Executive Board meetings as well as other meetings when called upon to do so.  Maintains a comprehensive Procedure Book for position.  A working knowledge of communication technology & word/google docs & spreadsheet application skills is helpful.
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