Band booster interest
This form is for band parents to fill out. This will help with planning for events, meetings, fundraisers, etc. Your skills and talents can help us in some way throughout the year. Thank you for the help!

The Clinton Band Boosters are a parent run organization which provides support for the band.  Band Boosters are a key to a program’s success.  Without them, many band activities would not be possible.  The boosters assist in fundraising to purchase necessary materials for the band including uniforms, instruments, music, and travel expenses.  Boosters also assist with any events the band may host, travel with the band to away games, and encourage practice at home.  All parents are encouraged to take an active role in the group.  Notices are sent through the RemindMe system or our Facebook page about monthly meetings.  Even if you cannot regularly attend meetings, please help us by volunteering your time and any special skills that you have.  If you have questions about the Boosters, please contact the director.
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Email *
Parent(s)' Name *
Cell Phone number *
Best time to reach you *
Student's Name *
Skills/Talents you  have (sewing, knitting, cooking, etc.) *
Click all that apply. Events that you would be interested in helping with the band *
What is your most free afternoon of the week? *
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