Join Durham University Boat Club
This form registers your interest in DUBC and you will subsequently be contacted by a member of our team.

This is not for the Learn to Row course. For information on that, please visit our Instagram and Facebook pages.
Email *
Name *
What’s your Instagram username? (Will be used to contact you) *
Date of Birth *
Previous School/Club *
Year of Entry to Durham Uni *
Have you applied? *
If not applying, why are you filling out the form?
What college did you apply to (if applicable)?
UCAS Number
What course/s are you interested in?
2km Ergo Time
5km Ergo Time (or other erg test formats, please specify)
Rowing Achievements/Experience (please give as much detail as possible as it is important for us to get a wider picture of your rowing ability) *
I consent to being contacted by the recruitment team at Durham University Boat Club *
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